But unlikely. Cuz I'm the shit.
Friends, I'm sorry I've been a lazy blogger. To be honest, my meals have been really boring for a few reasons. I'll make a list.
- I spent a boatload of my moolah preparing for the apocalypse (Hurricane Sandy).
- I'm moving soon (still in NYC, don't worry) and need to save for that because it is expensive with a capital E.
So, most of my breakfasts have been eggs and brown rice tortilla or oatmeal. Most of my lunches have been soups or microwave meals (ick). And most of my dinners have been hummus and carrots (or blue corn chips, yum). Why would I take pictures of that stuff. Blah.
Just kidding, I took a picture of my breakfast the other day.
I had goat milk yogurt. It was pretty good! I put some slivered almonds and honey in there and it was delish. Good on-the-go or at-the-desk option.
After Sandy dissipated, her evil cousin the Nor'Easter came to visit and left a blanket of snow over everything. It was bananas. Didn't think I'd have to deal with this sloshy mess for a while. But, it didn't stick. It all melted :)
The boy and I went to see an installation by Tatzu Nishi in Columbus Circle. It was incredible. This brilliant guy built a living room around our Columbus statue. The pictures from the Public Art Fund are much better than mine, so check out the link. But I got a few keepers:
Most people have emptied their homes of everything due to flood damage, so you're driving around seeing people's entire life out on the curb. Also, many cars were totaled. Most have writing on the windows from insurance companies demonstrating that they've assessed the vehicles and declared them a loss.
One last buzzkill real quick. Looting is also a big problem after a disaster. But, not for this guy. "Looters will be shot" keeps 'em away pretty well.
All that to say this, donate your shoes. Or the sweater you wore to last year's Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Or some type of warm clothing or blankets or something. It will make someone's hard time a little easier.
Thanks for checking in. Sorry for not having more pictures of the things I've been eating.
Need a pick-me-up after this downer post? Check out my song of the year. Don't like pop music? Too bad. My blog. My rules.
Til next time, have fun being bad.