Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My sunny run

If you're an avid Bad Girl Eats follower (which you should be), then you saw Saturday's post about this delish baked oatmeal that I made.

What you didn't see was the next day's attempt.

I don't know what I did differently, but it just didn't look as pretty. But it tasted just as good. In any case, I'll be sticking to the good ole CCK version for aesthetic reasons.

I failed to show you Friday's lunch, though. I was very proud of my first attempt at cooking pork. I don't know why, but cooking pork and beef scares me a little. With beef, it's because of the blood. It grosses me out. But pork? I think I just don't know what to do with it. Well, I put my big, bad girl pants on and tried a new recipe. I paired it with mango avocado salsa from this recipe, roasted asparagi, and half a sweet tater. 

The result was B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

Also, I eat the entire sweet potato -- meaning I don't peel it. Anyone else do this?

Back to Saturday.

After my blueberry banana oatmeal masterpiece, I went for my 10 mile training run. 

After running long runs in 20- and 30-degree weather for the past two months, I welcomed a sunny, bright, beautiful 50-degree run along the East River.

My parents live in Florida and they never stop trying to convince me to come home. By sending me pictures of themselves running by the beach and lounging by the pool in their backyard.

The tactic doesn't entirely work on me because I still think New York City is one of the most diverse, beautiful places on the planet. But, after what feels like an endless winter, I was starting to get a little jealous and homesick.

Until my sunny run on Saturday. Although I didn't have a great run -- I experienced some serious runner's knee and IT Band distress -- I had a wonderful time frolicking in the sun. 

Afterward, I walked through the Union Square Greenmarket with a hot apple cider, then sat down to enjoy it while I listened to a guy play the piano for the masses.

It was a very satisfying Saturday.

 I didn't have quite as eventful of a Sunday, but I was okay with that.

I usually take Sundays to relax, do some prep for the week, and watch some recorded tv.

I also cooked up some plantains for the first time. It was super easy and delicious.

Fortunately for me, my mister right doesn't particularly care for plantains, so these were all mine.

I don't have pics of the finished product because I shoved them in my mouth too fast. Maybe next time.

Monday morning, I woke up with a giant bowl of raspberry oatmeal.

This time, I tried steel cut oats that I made the night before. I just added some water, egg whites, frozen raspberries, and OBVIOUSLY peanut butter.

Per usual, it was AH-mazing and my favorite peanut butter gets all melty when it's heated and it melted like butter all over my warm oatmeal and I felt so indulgent eating it.

Did you prank anyone on April Fools?

I did.

Yep, I told my friend that my mister right and I were pregnant.

However, I couldn't maintain the charade for long and told her the truth shortly after.

On Saturday, I bought a very cheap 5 pound bag of apples, so I decided to treat myself to an appleful dessert on Monday night.

I topped some chopped apples with an inordinate amount of cinnamon and a few chopped walnuts, water, and butter and baked it in a 400 degree oven until it looked cooked enough for my liking.

Maybe 20 minutes? Very specific instructions.

Looks good to me.

Then, I threw it in my 'Hers' mug and topped it with some dairy free vanilla ice cream and a little rum extract.

I didn't like the particular brand of coconut milk ice cream that I got (maybe because I've been making my own ice cream and have become a total ice cream snob?), but the rum flavor was bangin.

I may try putting that in the apple mix next time.

Yesterday's lunch was Paleo Pad Thai, which I think I've talked about before.

I pretty much use the recipe for the Sunshine sauce and change everything else depending on what I'm feeling like.

This version had spaghetti squash, spinach, eggs, and grass-fed (and finished!) london broil from Grazin' Angus Acres.

Last night was an amalgamation (big words!) of leftovers and homemade, fresh veggies. We had some leftover chicken and steak from a work dinner, so I just roasted some colorful cauliflower and white/sweet potatoes for our sides.

It looks like a mess, but it. was. tasty.
Since I eat oatmeal pretty much every day, I'm going to refrain from posting another picture of oatmeal that I had for breakfast this morning and just make a whole post about it. How's that sound? That post is coming soon. Until then, have fun being bad.
