I drank about five Emergen-C packets and watched daytime television from underneath layers of sweats and a heavy blanket. When I went to the doctor the next day, I got a real diagnosis.
ear infection
An ear infection? What am I, 7? What adult gets an ear infection? Needless to say, I felt very silly. And I've been on antibiotics since. Two days later, I felt much better and went for a 9 mile run outside.
And got sick again.
So, I took the next FOUR DAYS off. And now I am finally getting back to normal. Whew. It's been a whirlwind.
I've been getting back to the usual eats after a few days of little to no appetite which, if you know me in real life, is a true indicator of how terrible I felt. I always have an appetite.
Remember I told you about these little banana peanut butter bites? Well, I munched on them before my long run last weekend and they were amazing.
Frozen peanut butter might be my new obsession.
You should try it.
My mom made me this killer granola, so I've been mixing it with some yogurt and honey for breakfast and it does not disappoint.
I'll look into getting that recipe to share.
Dried blueberries and cherries...add those to my ever growing list of obsessions.
Berries are nutritional powerhouses, so I don't feel bad snacking on them when there are extras in our office.
For some reason, I haven't been all too fond of the blue-hued berries. Don't know why that is, but I just skip them and munch on the straw- and raspberries when they're available.
I found this cute little shot glass in our cupboards and pulled it out to measure a perfect serving of peanut butter!
It told me exactly where to stop for 2 tablespoons of my favorite treat, so I had this for breakfast last weekend with half a nanner and an apple.
I was out of town on Monday and Tuesday for the Jewish holiday and did not take any pictures of what I ate for two reasons:
1. I'm not so committed to blogging that I'm willing to be that crazy person taking pictures of my food in the middle of Passover seder.
2. I felt like death and most of my pictures would have had snot-filled kleenex in them, so I'm doing you a favor.
Once I got back to work on Wednesday, I had a hefty lunch of roasted chicken, broccoli, half a sweet tater, and some mango avocado salsa.
It felt good to be back.
After work on Wednesday, I met up with a friend at the Chobani shop in Soho.
It's like a frozen yogurt shop but with fresh, healthy yogurt.
I got one of the seasonal menu items: 2% yogurt, grapefruit, honey, and mint.
It was so delish and we got to keep the little cups that the yogurt comes in!
I will definitely be going back for more!
Afterwards, we made the obligatory stop at Xocolatti for a few chocolates.
Left to right: Pineapple Habanero, Olive Oil Basil, Sake, and Rose Cardamom.
These were so tiny and delicious and were decorated so beautifully, it was difficult to eat them.
But, someone had to do it :)
I also bought some Blueberry Clusters and snacked on a few of those the next day...okay, I had more than a few.
Then I brought myself back to reality and had a real lunch: salmon, kale, and roasted veggies.
Mmm, getting back on track sure tastes delicious. I'm hoping that I don't want to die tomorrow during my 10 mile training run. Wish me luck and, as always, have fun being bad.