Oh man, my boy Will came over yesterday and put a friend and I through a KILLLLLLLLER workout. Since I'm going through a bit of a rest period, I thought my lazy legs were going to explode. Which is a sign that you're actually working hard enough. So, go me.
Here's what the torture looked like:
7 rounds of:
7 thrusters (15# DBs)
7 burpees
2 minutes rest between rounds
400m run (SPRINT)
20 sit ups
30 renegade rows (8# DBs)
20 sit ups
400m run/sprint
Tabata wall sits
I'm surprised I didn't die. Luckily, I lived to see another day and eat another meal.
I made this delicious and quick Red Beans & Rice recipe from Can You Stay For Dinner?
If you haven't checked out Andie's blog, click around. She's a great writer and cook with an inspiring story.
She also has some bangin' recipes.
My Mr. Right and I are having fun experimenting with recipes to find our go-to's.
I think we can definitely add this one to the list.
Since I tend to accidentally add too much spice to things, we left a few of the spicy elements out of the recipe.
And added some avocado on the side.
It may look like a jumbled mess here, but it was deeeeeeelectable.
I actually didn't have too much of this last night because we were starving when we got home and had a pre-dinner chips and salsa fiesta. For me, that was pretty much dinner. I just can't control myself when there are chips, chocolate, or ice cream involved. Just. Can't.
Breakfast this morning was a break from the usual.
Not really, because it was still oatmeal. But, I added some frozen blueberries and it turned into Smurfmeal. So, that's new.
I have mentioned before that I'm not usually crazy about blueberries. But, I've been digging the frozen variety as a snack. They're really good with -- wait for it -- peanut butter. Isn't everything?
My PB dollop melted atop my hotmeal all the the same, so I was a happy camper.
Lunch today was a carbon copy of dinner last night. But more of it.
This was only serving #1.
I stole a few more spoonfuls from the leftovers before punctuating my lunch with a very enthusiastic peanut butter ginger chew.
Those things are ADDICTING.
I'm going out to dinner tonight, which is a rare occurrence, even for a bad girl like me. It's Latin food, so there's bound to be some rules broken tonight. Yeehaw.
'Til next time, have fun being bad.