Monday, April 8, 2013

How unoriginal

People, allow me to make something very clear. I am a total copycat. I do not come up with my own recipes (yet...). My friends always tell me I'm so good in the kitchen or that I'm so creative.

I'm not.

This understanding of me is totes false. I read a lot of blogs. And I LURV health and fitness. But I am not, by any stretch, creative in the kitchen. I steal things from others and typically change or omit a few things here and there. You can easily do the same. Have a little faith. Start with something easy and gradually begin challenging yourself with new, different recipes. Okay, let's talk eats.

 Friday morning began with the usual pbj oatmeal.

It was DIVINE.

Per usual.

Lunch was leftover braised chicken and roasted cauliflowa. 

I followed this recipe (I didn't eat it over pasta, just veggies and roasted taters).

We quickly realized that we are not chicken thigh people. We're breast people. 

There's a sexual innuendo in there. Bravo if you caught it before I called it out.

Friday night, we went to an incredible Jewish deli for dinner.

Usually, when I hear the word "deli" I cringe. 

Since I avoid gluten (flour) like the plague, any place that bases its menu on sandwiches, pasta, or fried everything is like hell for me.

 Mile End really came through, though.

They had incredible real food. I got the Red Wine Braised Brisket and 


Not only did the meat just melt under my knife, but it came with this delish slaw on top and some roasted taters that I wanted to load up in my purse and take home with me.

 I have never really enjoyed alcohol. It always tasted really terrible to me and I never saw the point of "acquiring a taste" for it since I have no desire to get drunk.


In the last year and a half or so, I've really begun enjoying red wine. Like, really.

So, I had this dangerously good wine with dinner on Friday and I had to take a picture so I can remember what it's called.

It turns out, I'm just as picky about what I drink as I am about what I eat. I would say 50% of the time, I'm not a huge fan of the wine I get when we're out. I'm starting to learn what to ask for so that servers can recommend something that won't burn my esophagus going down and give me heartburn. So, whenever I come across a wine that's smooth and enjoyable, I snap a shot.

I planned on making pancakes all week and, on Saturday, I made them for my pre-run meal.

Damn, they were good.

It's hard to control portions when you're eating these fresh off the skillet. But, the little ones are calorie free anyway.

I use Tina's pancake recipe. I make several substitutions: oat flour instead of regular, maple syrup instead of sugar, and olive instead of canola oil.

She has a new one, but it uses almonds and eggs and I've found those upset my stomach if they're going to be sloshing around during a run.

So, I stuck with the original.

Bonus: my mister right liked them too.


It was another beautiful Saturday and my run was GLORIOUS. I took it super slow since my run last week was painful. It was a good call, because I had fun and felt good. Yay!

I didn't capture photos of my lunch today (breakfast was the usual) because I ate with friends and it's weird being the douche at the table taking close-ups of your leftovers.

I had leftover sushi and roasted cauliflower. It was uneventful.

But, I ended my trip down gourmet lane with...



Endangered species chocolate was on sale at Whole Foods last week.


I love these because they have a cause and giving back gives me the warm and fuzzies.


It's not just about me, folks.

Okay, it's mostly about me when it comes to chocolate. 

But I also like that there aren't a ton of ingredients here.

Sorry this is blurry...blogger fail.

Four ingredients isn't too bad in my book.


Welp, that's all I've got for the weekend. But, make sure to check back because I'll be updating the recipe page and sharing a home DIY project soon! Mucho to look forward to.

'Til next time, have fun being bad.
